What table do you eat at?
“You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.” (1 Corinthians 10:21)
As a tither you cannot give your tithe to God and give money to the devil too, be it through gambling, addictions or getting yourself into debt because of bad choices. If you give your first 10% to God, the rest of your money must not go against Him.
You cannot serve both tables. The tithe represents serving God and being faithful to Him. So, if you want to give your life to God then you must be loyal to His calling. Serving both God and what goes against Him, simply does not work – true commitment is valued in this journey.
As a tither you must see that everything comes from God and so by giving Him the first 10% of what comes to you – you are giving God what is already His, out of gratitude and appreciation.
As a result, faithful tithers have no limitations; they can claim what belongs to them, as is promised by God.
On Sunday 3rd October at the Universal Church, we will be holding the Feast of the First Fruits. This is for all those who have put their faith in God and have not set a limit to the blessings He can provide for them.
Event: Feast of the First Fruits
Date: Sunday 3rd October 2021
Time: 10am (also at 8am)
Location: At your local UCKG HelpCentre