VYG - Victory Youth Group









What can I say except that, being part of the Victory Youth Group, is an excellent way to start life on the right path.

You may have had a terrible past or committed the most horrific mistakes yet, we believe, there’s a way to make things right. That is why, at the VYG, every young person can get involved and fit in, regardless of their background, where they live or how much money they have.

It’s not about being THE best, it’s about realising YOUR best, whatever that may be and, with the encouragement of a VYG mentor, you will receive all the support you need to get there.

So, whether music, dance or arts is your thing, it doesn’t really matter! It’s all about acquiring the tools you need, to create the life you want. There are also other projects which young people can engage in, to strengthen their drive to succeed academically and have top grades.

In addition, Youth Pastors and mentors are always available for advice or questions, throughout the week. We’re not like other ‘feel good’ groups out there. We want you to feel good but, more importantly, we want you to do well for yourself. You will mature and become an exceptional youth just by coming to the VYG meetings.

So, if you’re ready for a challenge and make a change for your life, then you’re ready for the VYG.


Team Judah, Simeon and Asher battle it out to the top of the leader-board in competitions involving music, drama, dance, poetry and challenges. Everyone that decides to join one of the teams engages in an extraordinary way of developing confidence, discovering talents and bringing the best out of them. As well as a fun and entertaining way to keep yourself busy.

Many joined Sunday Live with low self-esteem and lack of confidence and in a few weeks, they were already performing in front of hundreds, sometimes even thousands in one of our youth events.

Sunday Live takes place every Sunday at 2pm in our local branch in Dublin 7(address at the end of the page)

Are you down for it? Email us: vyg@uckg.ie

The label originated after watching a very disturbing music video where the rapper was swearing in every sentence, injecting drugs into his veins and at the end of the video, insinuated his death by putting a rope around his neck and committing suicide. We were shocked to see that the music video had over million views on YouTube. So we thought if he could send such a negative message and be so popular then with our music we can share some light and a positive message.

Where the sky is not the limit but the starting point. Thus, VYG members and newcomers get the chance to showcase their talent by performing in our events after passing the auditions. Some also get to record their inspirational music with the VYG Records.

Would you like to be part of it? Do you have a talent for song writing, sound engineering or singing? Why not join the VYG Records and make a positive impact in society? Email us: vyg@uckg.ie

 There’s something special and eye catching whenever we gather youths from different parts of Dublin in one place for our events. We have so much unity and togetherness that it’s contagious. Even first timers are amazed to see young people smiling and enjoying each other’s company as the dance, drama and singing performances wow the crowd.

The events always takes place at the 157 Phibsboro Road, Dublin 7, the Headquarters of the Victory Youth Group in Ireland and it has been the stage of great events that are remembered with pride: Yolo Event, VYG Got Talent and Home Bitter Home are just a few to mention.

Many say that the Truth hurts. We say the Truth sets you free. Nothing is withheld in these meetings where the main topic is always down to Earth and so clear to understand that it has been causing a great impact in the lives of those who have been attending these meetings. Sex, studies, family, career and health… you name it, we talk about it.

Whatever meeting you come to, you’ll be sure to leave with an inspiring message. And if you need a little one to one, youth mentors are always available to talk or answer questions at any time during the week.

Real Talk meetings happen every Wednesday 6:30pm at your local VYG branch.

A team of youth pastors and mentors are always on standby in any of our Centres ready to listen and give practical advice to help you overcome any issue that you may be going through. They all speak from their own experiences where pain, hurt, addiction and a broken home were part of their day-to-day lives.

But through the help of the VYG they managed to turn their lives around and are today a positive role model to whoever walks into the Centre. No one will ever judge or look down at you who are seeking help because we’ve been there and we’ve felt the pain that you are feeling. Sometimes, it takes a young person to understand another. Also for those who want, a prayer of faith, which works wonders to those who are open to receive it, often follows the advice.

If you’d like to speak to someone privately about your problems, or are finding it hard to overcome your past, you can email us now and book an appointment.

Females may want to speak to a female mentor, which is perfectly fine. Email: vyg@uckg.ie