Make Plans with God
A new year often brings with it a fresh start and new opportunities. Along with that comes a mindset that is ready to achieve and accomplish what didn’t happen the year before.
The turning of the year is a time when people are focused on reviewing their goals, especially their financial objectives.
It is wise to plan, for the Bible says: “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.” (Job 22:28)
However, it is wiser to make plans with God.
What are your financial projects for 2021? Have you made them known to God and asked for His guidance to help you attain them? If not, you still have the opportunity to do so at the Financial Independence meetings.
Write down your projects for the first three months of the year on the Monday chain of prayer card and bring it with you to the next meeting on 11 January. If you do not yet have the chain of prayer card, you can pick it up at your local Universal Church branch throughout the week.
Let’s determine that your plans will be fulfilled this year!
Please come wearing your face covering and follow all social distancing guidelines.
For more information, call or send a WhatsApp message to 0861545567
Meeting: Financial Independence
Livestream Time: Mondays at 7.30pm