The Universal Church announces measures to prevent
coronavirus infections in its churches

The UCKG Help Centre in Ireland would like to clarity the following: The UCKG is aware and will continue to follow on with the development of precautions on a national and international level that have been implemented in the prevention and fight against the COVID-19 virus. With the objective to attain the same measures occurring in the local premises and worksites we have composed a series of measures to be taken into effect:
• Displaying official notices provided by the HSE
• Providing the means to practice good personal hygiene (hand sanitizer and/or washing hands with soap)
• Raise awareness- Action will be undertaken by Church ministers to avoid being in close physical contact/proximity with members and also minimizing physical contact amongst members.
• Online services (10am, 6pm(pt) & 7:30pm).
• Direct and updated contact with its counterparts in countries where the COVID-19 virus outbreak has already resulted in, regarding restrictive social measures, in order to prepare for the best practices to be implemented.
Notwithstanding these measures, the UCKG cannot disregard its social responsibility: accompanying the needy, opening its doors to those who don’t have anyone to turn to and acting as a “refuge” for all who need courage in these difficult times. Nevertheless, the UCKG seeks to maintain its pattern of work in compliance with the laws that have been enacted by the Irish Government in relation to the activities of religious group gatherings.
For more information about your local branch, please call or message us 086 154 5567 Dublin, 13 April, 2020
UCKG Headquarters
For more information provided by the HSE and the Irish Government in relation to the coronavirus(Covid-19) visit one of these links below: