
Scandal in the Church!

“Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!” Matthew 18.7 No matter how much a scandal may affect a church (a group consisting of unbelievers and believers), it can never affect the Church (those born of God). Note both “woes” in the […]

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The Glory of Tribulations

For both, those born of the Holy Spirit and those being formed by the Holy Spirit, tribulations are extremely important in the development of Christian faith. If this weren’t so, God would eliminate them Himself from among His children. What is tribulation? Sickness, disease, financial or family problems have nothing to do with tribulations. Tribulations

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Hurdles and Sin

When man surrenders his life to the Lord Jesus, he begins the greatest race in his existence, which lasts until his last breath. This race is meant to test his faith so he can win the ultimate prize: Salvation. The battle is difficult and long; it requires patience, resistance and perseverance to finish what was

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