Faith and courage walk hand in hand. There is no faith without courage, just like there is no courage without faith. One depends on the other to obtain achievements.
Three times God commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous. He was not referring to physical strength, but to spiritual strength, which has to do with personal conviction.
Everything in life depends on faith and courage. Faith to believe in yourself and, above all, in God, and the courage to put this faith into practice.
Faith has to be focused on one’s partnership with God. Faith in oneself and in God.
When faith is focused only on God, it does not work. This is the case, for example, of religious people. They learn to believe in God, but not in themselves. This is why they lack the strength needed to put faith into practice. For this reason, we don’t see the practical results of faith in their everyday life.
Though he was called, chosen and anointed, Joshua had to observe God’s counsel to be successful. God insisted three consecutive times for him to be strong and courageous, because his success would depend on this. Moses had already instructed him about this before. And David also passed this on to Solomon (1 Kings 2.2).
Has this advice lost its meaning in the present day? Any achievement, including eternal Salvation, depends on this advice being put into practice.
God has ordered: strength and courage. In other words, be strong and courageous.
God bless you all.
Bishop Edir Macedo
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