The “Life’s Worth Living” event was promoted by volunteers from the Victory Youth Group (VYG) of the Universal Church in the country.
Ireland, the 8th most peaceful place on Earth due to its low levels of violence is contrasted by its high suicide rate.
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), Ireland occupies the fourth place in the European Community with the highest number of cases of suicide and self-mutilation among adolescents and young people, victims of childhood violence, anxiety and depression.
With the aim of uniting entertainment and social action, the Universal Church promotes the event “Life’s Worth Living” every year, which takes place in the summer season. The event brought together young people from the cities of Dublin, Cork and Gort. The guests had fun experiencing a football tournament, dance performances and raffles.

“I appreciate seeing so many people together fighting for this cause, with so much energy and willingness. I admire the work you are doing, we are here to make ourselves available to support and protect those in need”.
~ Reports Officer Sergeant Lee
In addition, participants were made aware of the power of saying NO to the voice of suicide and encouraged to lean on the faith that comes from hearing the Word of God.

Following the examples of other volunteers who had their lives transformed, it is possible to say that there is still time to change. Check out the testimonials below:
“I had many friends around me but I always felt alone. Today I am free from addictions and I don’t depend on people to be happy.” ~ (Tusshar Jugnarain)
“I had serious panic attacks that made me vulnerable, I tried medications that didn’t solve my problem. I conquered negative thoughts and completely stopped having panic attacks.” ~ (Charmaine Matonsi)
“I overcame depression and managed to get ahead in life. Today I am happy and accomplished.”
~ (Kaya Da Costa)
The event also promoted the donation of non-perishable food for entry. More than 5oo kilos were collected for the UniSocial project, which serves families in need.
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