
The Altar called me

What would have been of Abraham without the Altar? He became the greatest reference of faith because when the altar called him, he responded: HERE I AM! Mount Moriah called Abraham. Mount Sinai called Moses. Mount Carmel called Elijah. The Altar also called Gideon. The Lord Jesus, who represents the Altar, calls those who are […]

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Ask, search, knock…

Why do I have to ask, when God already knows what I need? Why do I have to search, when God already knows what I need to find? Why do I have to knock, when God knows I’m at the door? God is Omniscient, so He already knows all things. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is hidden

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Faith and Sacrifice – Part 2

Read Part 1   6 – Faith motivates sacrifice That’s right. The voice of faith pushes towards sacrifice in obedience to the Word of God. This is exactly what happened with the blind man. At first, he did not know Jesus or that He was there looking at him. The evangelist John does not record

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