Ask, search, knock…

Why do I have to ask, when God already knows what I need?

Why do I have to search, when God already knows what I need to find?

Why do I have to knock, when God knows I’m at the door?

God is Omniscient, so He already knows all things. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is hidden from His eyes. The past, present, and future are like a photograph in His hands.

But why do I have to strive, ask, search, knock, fight, persevere, insist, this is, sacrifice to take possession of my rights in Christ Jesus, which are promised in the Bible?

The truth is that between wanting and achieving is a huge desert one must cross. Only the brave and determined can overcome it. The timid, cowardly, fearful, and worse, those who keep complaining about crossing the desert to the Promised Land remain along the way.

How do you know who deserves or doesn’t deserve to take possession? The personal intuition of each person’s faith.

The revelation of the Greatness of God in this world is not for adventure seekers or curious people. Those who want to see this Greatness in their life must first prove the greatness of their faith.

Abraham proved the greatness of his faith when he acted to obey the Voice of God.

By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac. Hebrews 11.17

If God tested His friend Abraham, He will definitely test us too!

And more: He doesn’t ask for anything we’re not able to give. The faith He gives us is to carry out His will.

This faith separates those who are of God from those who are not. It separates those who believe and put into practice the Thoughts of God.

Faith is individual. It judges and decides who deserves or does not to take possession of the Promises.

Though everyone has faith, the problem is that not everyone has had the courage to obey his or her intuition.

There is no way to achieve the benefits of faith without using your own faith.

Just like money is used as a trade in a business transaction, the same happens with faith when it comes to a relationship with God.

Without the practice of faith, it is impossible to please God and deserve to receive His favors.

Bishop Edir Macedo
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