The Caleb Group, which is a group formed by the elders and volunteers of the Universal of Kingdom of God, promoted a Walk Against Elderly Abuse last Sunday.
Flyers were distributed with a message that brings to people the conscience and awareness about Elderly Abuse and how to fight back and help the senior citizens in your area.
Figures recently released showed that almost 16,000 cases of elder abuse have been reported in Ireland over the past five years.
Elder abuse manifests itself in many forms. It may be physical, psychological, emotional, financial, sexual, discrimination, or neglect. It may be controlling an older person’s pension, overcharging them for odd jobs or making them feel like a burden and we have now seen the reporting of elder abuse cases increase.
Many cases of elder abuse go unreported and it can often be a hidden issue.
Abuse of older people is often carried out by a carer or family member that the older person relies upon and, as a result, the abused individual is often fearful of speaking out and losing their source of contact, help or support.
If you want to know more about the Caleb Group, please contact us in our helpline: +353 (86) 154 5567
More info. You can find in our website page :