
True or False?

The world is full of popular sayings and proverbs. Some are so religious that they directly contradict the Word of God, but are believed to be true. Take a look at a few examples: 1 ­­­– “We are all God’s children.” true or false? FALSE: look what the Word of God says: But as many […]

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THERE IS NOTHING EASIER THAN GIVING IN TO BAD THOUGHTS OR THOUGHTS OF DEFEAT. BUT WHY? HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT THIS? Why is it easier to speak bad than good? Why is it easier to destroy than to build? Why is it easier to criticize than to motivate? Why is it easier to say

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MANY PEOPLE ARE PERSECUTED AT HOME, AT WORK, FOR THEIR FAITH. AND THEY ARE FACED WITH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: “Where is your God?” “Why doesn’t your life change?” And many say it’s the devil … But the answer we find in this verse is, “For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of

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Overcome bad thoughts

Salvation is not easy. To maintain Salvation, the person must be conscious that he has been saved, he is saved and he will be saved – if he remains faithful to the end. To do so, we must overcome bad thoughts. When the Lord Jesus speaks about the narrow gate and difficult way, we don’t

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Zeal for Your House

When the Jewish Passover drew near, Jesus went to Jerusalem. When He went to the temple, He found people selling oxen, sheep and doves, and moneychangers. Jesus had made a whip of cords, so He cast them all out of the temple, even the oxen and the sheep; the money changers’ money scattered all over

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