
Remain standing!

The devil’s greatest rage was to see Jesus on the cross standing, not fallen. Wounded, but standing; Betrayed, but standing; With thorns on His head, but standing; Condemned by men, but standing; Mistreated, but standing; Crucified, but standing; Bleeding, but standing; Nailed, but standing …   The devil’s greatest rage is to see you going […]

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Practical Faith

When reading the Bible, we should always keep two things in mind: practical and non-practical information. Practical information is meant to mold man’s behavior before God, toward others and himself. The non-practical information only serves to increase the amount of knowledge that does not add up to anything. They are like strange tongues professed before

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The colt

One day, a colt came home happy and said to his mother: “Mama, I was in town today, and as I walked the streets a great crowd shouted with joy, many spread their robes and palm branches on the ground for me to walk on. It was as though a huge party was made for

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The Altar called me

What would have been of Abraham without the Altar? He became the greatest reference of faith because when the altar called him, he responded: HERE I AM! Mount Moriah called Abraham. Mount Sinai called Moses. Mount Carmel called Elijah. The Altar also called Gideon. The Lord Jesus, who represents the Altar, calls those who are

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Light or darkness?

For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8.6 The Lord Jesus said those who are born of the flesh are flesh and those who are born of the Spirit are spirit (John 3.6). Those who are still flesh are carnally minded; this is, they will

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Faith and Sacrifice – Part 1

Faith comes by hearing. (Romans 10.17) Hearing what? The word of God. (Romans 10.17) When faith is born, courage is also born to put into practice the thought, inspiration, intuition, this is, the voice of the Spirit of Faith. The Pool of Siloam continues to be a living witness of the practice of faith. This

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Lord of who?

An employee obeys his boss because he doesn’t want to risk losing his job. After all, if he loses his job, he and his family may be destined to misery and hunger. However, the fear of losing eternal life does not seem to bother most of those who claim to believe in Jesus as their

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