
The power to be

The power to have is easy. The difficult part is having the power to be. Especially, when it comes to being of God because this is extremely difficult. I would say almost impossible. When the Spirit of wisdom was with Solomon, he said: He who is slow to angeris better than the mighty, and he […]

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Faith and Time

Intelligent, supernatural, and sincere faith never takes the time factor and its circumstances into consideration. A fervent person believes in the supernatural(invisible) because he knows(has faith) that God honors His Word. Therefore, he disregards the doubts regarding the fulfillment of the Promises and the time in which they will be fulfilled. Whoever, truly, believes, is

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The Spirit of the Promise

Under God’s command, Moses transferred the responsibility of leading the children of Israel to the Promised Land to Joshua. However, the death of Moses saddened Joshua. So the Lord had to intervene and encourage him for this mission. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I

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Our daily burdens

  However heavy our daily burden may be, it is still light when we take the yoke of the Lord Jesus. When a person complains about the burden of the cross, the burden of the Christian cause or his yoke, you can be absolutely sure that this has nothing to do with the yoke of

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