
Faith and Courage

Faith and courage walk hand in hand. There is no faith without courage, just like there is no courage without faith. One depends on the other to obtain achievements. Three times God commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous. He was not referring to physical strength, but to spiritual strength, which has to do with […]

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Where are you going?

And everyone went to his own house. John 7.53 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. John 8.1 Two verses, one right after the other, purposely written in this sequence. A group of people was heading home, which should have been obvious because the day was coming to an end. However, Someone did the

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No way, heart!

The Bible has forty writers; among them are kings, princes, poets, philosophers, prophets, diplomat, a physician, a tax collector, and a lawyer. From various social classes, some were educated in all the studies of the time, while others were fishermen without any education. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. Only a few texts were

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Without form and void

The Word needs attentive ears, attentive and willing to listen to it. When there are ears to listen and obey, the Word of God does not return void of works. The bible clearly shows that the rain only waters the earth that receives it. If there is no earth, how will the rain fall upon

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How to hear the Voice of God?

It is not impossible to hear the Voice of God, but you must listen. Everyone has ears… But not everyone has spiritual ears. The Voice of God can only be heard with spiritual ears. Because God is spirit, His Voice is spiritual. John 4.24 It is necessary to be in spirit to listen to It.

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Overcome bad thoughts

Salvation is not easy. To maintain Salvation, the person must be conscious that he has been saved, he is saved and he will be saved – if he remains faithful to the end. To do so, we must overcome bad thoughts. When the Lord Jesus speaks about the narrow gate and difficult way, we don’t

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Zeal for Your House

When the Jewish Passover drew near, Jesus went to Jerusalem. When He went to the temple, He found people selling oxen, sheep and doves, and moneychangers. Jesus had made a whip of cords, so He cast them all out of the temple, even the oxen and the sheep; the money changers’ money scattered all over

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In Spirit

“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet” Revelation 1.10 Only when you are in Spirit can you listen and obey the Voice of God. And what does it mean to be in Spirit? Is it possible to be in Spirit when

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