Caleb Group Ireland 🇮🇪
The Day of Beauty – Because beauty has no age:
Last Sunday, 18th of December the Calebs would invited their friends and guests to participate of an unforgettable day. The joy was clearly stamped on all the faces pf those who participated.
Self-esteem is essential for every human being to feel good about themselves. It is notorious the good that self-esteem provides not only for the physical, but also psychologically in the mind of a person. In old age it is essential to maintain self-esteem! After all, it is the phase when people begin to feel the “weight” of age and, many of them, end up failing to take care of themselves, in addition to generating problems such as isolation, depression and frustration.
Recognizing that aging is an inherent phase in anyone’s life is important, as well as realizing that body care is necessary, since health itself requires special attention to the skin, hair, physical structure and with the feed.
Therefore, it is imperative that the elderly seek to find emotional balance, avoid annoyances and cultivate a welcoming space, including body and health care.
The Caleb Group provided a day of beauty for all its members. Volunteers and members recorded these moments with contagious joy. Several tips and treatment options were given, such as nail, skin, hair and makeup care, thus bringing the importance of preserving self-esteem.
Join us next year as we continue to help and promote the wellbeing in your life.
For more info call/text: 0861545567
#CalebGroup #BeautyDay #SelfEsteem #Ireland #Dublin#Gort #Galway #Cork #ChangingLives #SeneiorCitizens#Family #UniversalChurch

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