
Faith and Courage

Faith and courage walk hand in hand. There is no faith without courage, just like there is no courage without faith. One depends on the other to obtain achievements. Three times God commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous. He was not referring to physical strength, but to spiritual strength, which has to do with […]

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Faith in Action

Those who expect to receive a miracle as if God were a magician will never see it happen. Miracles do not depend solely on the action of the Spirit of God, but on a partnership with those who believe in Him and take action. Since the creation of man, God never did a miracle on

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The sleep of death

Dreams don’t only happen at night when you sleep. Those who dream the dreams of God do so during the day, because they blend faith with reason. However, attentive eyes during the day do not keep a person from the sleep of death. This is what has happened with the fallen and stubborn. One day

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The Glory of Tribulations

For both, those born of the Holy Spirit and those being formed by the Holy Spirit, tribulations are extremely important in the development of Christian faith. If this weren’t so, God would eliminate them Himself from among His children. What is tribulation? Sickness, disease, financial or family problems have nothing to do with tribulations. Tribulations

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Without salt, without flavor

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. Matthew 5.13 This word is very strong! The word tasteless means: lacking flavor, bland. In a person’s spiritual life, as long

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The madness of sacrificial faith

Who would’ve believed that calling weak people to war would actually bring a victory? (Joel 3.10) Who would’ve thought that asking widows to give everything they had would actually help them? (1 Kings 17.8-15 and Mark 12.41-44) Who would believe that, after giving everything, a person will receive one hundred times more now and in

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The Day of Pentecost

When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon

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Faith and Sacrifice – Part 1

Faith comes by hearing. (Romans 10.17) Hearing what? The word of God. (Romans 10.17) When faith is born, courage is also born to put into practice the thought, inspiration, intuition, this is, the voice of the Spirit of Faith. The Pool of Siloam continues to be a living witness of the practice of faith. This

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Authenticated faith

    For a document to be considered real, it must be authenticated. This authentication is necessary on all important matters involving identification, negotiation, and oath. Any information that is not considered authentic becomes invalid and is considered false. No one trusts something that does not possess the necessary requisites to be considered real. Nothing

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A Divine Tool

A crisis of faith happens when you stop exercising it. When you do not stimulate your body, the muscles become flaccid, and the body deteriorates faster. The same happens with faith. Without stimuli, it becomes complacent, and its practice is relegated to religiosity. God has allowed us to experience problems precisely so that our faith

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